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What is sustainability, why is it important and how do you achieve it?

Beautiful landscape of cityscape with city building around lumpi

We are running out of fossil fuels. It’s that simple. The size of your carbon footprint has become part of the general discourse. Green is good, and individuals and businesses alike are getting on board. It is so important to be environmentally friendly, to think locally, and to move towards sustainability. We know this is all important, but what does that all even mean?

With so many terms being thrown at you, it is sometimes important to slow down and consider exactly what we want to achieve, and how to get there. Here we will take a thorough look at sustainability, what it means and why it is important for you and the environment.

beautiful natural scenery

What is sustainability?

In essence, sustainability means what it says. It is the idea of sustaining, or maintaining something, to keep it at a certain level. In terms of the environment, sustainability is the avoidance of depleting natural resources. The goal is to maintain a balance so that we are creating as much as we are using, so that we don’t run out and the planet and future generations don’t suffer.

In the 1980s, the United Nations defined sustainability as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”.

Economic development needs to happen. So many countries are struggling to feed themselves, to grow their economies and trying to meet the needs of their people. But the environment must also be a priority for the present and the future.

There is a growing understanding that we must all do our part to achieve sustainability for so many reasons, and in a variety of ways. There are several areas considered priorities of sustainability, firstly through the three pillars, which are:

  • Environmental
  • Economical
  • Social

Here we will focus more on environmental sustainability.

Water drop on a leaf macro shot

Why is sustainability important? 

Sustainability is not only important, but it is also vital for our continued progress, happiness and indeed our very survival. There are many reasons and factors that can be considered here, but in broad strokes, sustainability is important because:

  • Society depends on the natural resources we are using up – By making extraction methods and how we use these resources more sustainable, we will have continued access to the very materials that help our society to function.
  • Industrial practices are harming the environment – This further reduces the available resources that we all need.
  • Growing populations have their own developing needs – As there are more people, so there will be a higher need for these resources.

If we damage the soil too much food won’t grow, and then we won’t be able to feed ourselves. Likewise, if we use up all the fuel then we will starve due to the inability to farm, transport and keep produce. You get the idea.

At the end of the day, we have one planet and one finite set of resources. By achieving sustainability, we ensure that the planet has time to replenish itself so that we don’t run out of what we need, and neither does the Earth.

hand holding tree on blur green nature background. concept eco e

How do you achieve sustainability?

Arguably there are two ways to achieve sustainability. The first is to reduce how much of nature’s resources you are using. The second is to increase efficiency, decreasing the amount that gets wasted in the process.

For the former, moves like reducing the number of older cars, increasing the use of green energies and alternative fuels and coming down on big polluters are all big ways to move towards sustainability. Green energy like solar power and wind are far more sustainable than fossil fuels, and far better for the environment overall.

One of the best ways to achieve sustainability is by everyone doing their part. At home, at work, governmental and international levels, there is so much that each of us can do. Some examples of how you can make a difference are:

  • Through composting – Whether you buy an electric composter, get a compost bin for your garden or recycle your organic matter through commercial composting, you are taking a huge step in the right direction.
  • Through reducing your water usage – Many people think taking a shower is enough of a step, but even a 10 minute shower is as bad as taking a bath. Try taking a 4 minute shower and you will save upwards of 40 litres of water in one go.
  • Through going plastic-free – we have long been told to bring reusable bags to the supermarket. Now try and apply that everywhere from pre-packaged veg to online shopping and single-use water bottles.
  • Through shopping smart – reducing what you buy is one way to help, though that doesn’t mean going cold or hungry. Try and buy only as much food as you will eat, consider getting your clothes second-hand, and ask yourself if you need something before you buy it.
  • ●      Through driving less – there are many modes of transport available for a lot of people including cycling, buses, trains and metros. They are all better than driving yourself, but if you have to drive, and are on the lookout for a new car, pick a greener option if you can, and carpool whenever possible.
  • Through reducing your energy bills – You can turn down your heating, benefit from tinted windows, increase your insulation, only boil the water you need and on and on. Every day, every choice, you can take steps towards sustainability.

When it comes to increasing efficiency, you can also see this in the removal of older cars from the roads, rising standards and constant technological improvements. These all move us away from older inefficient strategies to more sustainable uses of resources and energy.

researchers looking alternative energy souces

Final thoughts

As you can see, sustainability is still not the easiest of subjects to wrap your head around. Just remember that the aim is to stop using more natural resources than the Earth can replenish. To achieve sustainability is to use less today, so that future generations may have more in years to come. However you do your part, start working towards sustainability today.

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